Trademark Licensure
If you own trademarks which you believe other parties may be infringing in mass, we work closely with a local organization which can research parties infringing the mark and make a list of parties potentially infringing your registered or common law marks. We can contact these parties, and demand compensation for the infringement, and can work with some companies on contingency to do so. In some cases, we have been able to identify hundreds of parties infringing certain trademarks online.
Trademark Brokerage
Our trademark lawyers are in touch with national organizations which aggregate trademarks for licensure, and which are particularly intersted in licensing three-letter and four-letter trademarks. If you have a stale in three-letter or four-letter trademark and you are unsure what to do with, we may be able to help you liquidate it. Please call us at 888-941-9933.
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